Competitive Relationships Between Rice And Maize Crops In Light Of Supply Response Functions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 Agricultural Economic Faculty of Agriculture,Zagazig University, Egypt


The research aimed to estimate and analyze farmers' responses to farm prices and some other economic variables during the period (1990-2017) by identifying the factors most influencing on the area planted with maize and rice crops. The estimated results can be summarized as follows: the annual response factor for the rice crop was about 0.41 and thus the period required to achieve full response among farmers was about 2.427 years. Whereas the annual response coefficient for the maize crop was about 0.947 and thus the period required achieving full response among farmers was about 1.055 years. The elasticity of responding to this variable in both the short term and the long term was estimated at -0.924 and -2.25, respectively. That is, by increasing the area planted with maize in the previous year by 10% the cultivated area of rice will decrease by 9.24% and 22.5 % in the short and long run, respectively. The policies and restrictions imposed on rice cultivation had an inverse effect on the paddy rice cultivated area of the previous year. While the elasticity of response to the cultivated area of maize in both the short term and the long term was estimated at -0.071 and -0.074, respectively, that is, an increase in the net yield per feddan of rice crop in the previous year by 10% will lead to a decrease of the area cultivated by maize crop by 0.71 % And 0.74% in the short and long run, respectively.


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