Analytical study of the onion crop in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agricultural Economics - Faculty of Agriculture - South Valley University

2 Agricultural Economics Department , College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Aswan University, Egypt


The Egyptian agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors that play very important role in facing international conditions and changes. The onion crop is one of the important export crops in Egyptian trade. The results of the research revealed that the average area cultivated with the onion crop amounted to 154.17 thousand feddans. The rate of self-sufficiency of the onion crop in Egypt was about 120.25%. From its geographical distribution, it was found that Saudi Arabia came in the forefront of importing countries for Egyptian onions, followed by Russia, followed Netherlands, with exports amounting to about 256.2, 58.8, 31.3 thousand tons.
Through the previous results, the research recommends the following:
1- The need to pay attention to important export markets such as Saudi Arabia, Russia and the Netherlands to ensure the stability of the exported quantities and work to increase these quantities.
2-The need to pay attention to studying the markets of the countries competing to Egypt, especially in terms of prices and dates of export.
3-Encouraging contractual cultivation of export crops to ensure that the farmer sells his crop.
4- The necessity of working to stabilize the cultivated area, the farm price, and the local production of the onion crop, in order to create a kind of economic stability in its exports.


Main Subjects

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