Potatoes Value Chain Analysis and Development in River Nile State of Sudan

Document Type : Original Article


Agricultural Economics and Policy Research Center Agricultural Research Corporation of Sudan (ARC)


Now days worldwide increased concern about developing the major food-cash crops production to meet the demand of population growth and farms sustainability. Potato crop is one of the most potential crops in River Nile State that can achieve this purpose. This research aims to describe the potatoes value chain analysis and development. It depends on primary and secondary data. The study applied an approach dependent on compiling theoretical knowledge of value chain analysis basics along with intensive fieldwork and includes comprehensive interviews with a total of 44 producers, 19 wholesalers, 35 retailers, 2 cold storages managers and 34 consumers were interviewed. The actors in the crop chains to present an integrated detailed of all the key actors and players along with the vertical correlations and relations that control the operation and process inside potatoes chains. The field survey in area of the study undertook four major districts along the State specializing in production of potatoes. The value chain analysis showed that, at the level of marketing, there are inadequate cold storages for preserving potatoes, poor extension services at different levels of the crop chain. However, to tackle these constraints, cooperation of stakeholders implying national and international agricultural organizations, governmental institutions and private sector would enhance farming system sustainability of the crop.


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