An economic study of the sesame crop in Egypt دراسة اقتصادية لمحصول السمسم في مصر

Document Type : Original Article


Agricultural Economics - Faculty of Agriculture - South Valley University


The sesame crop is considered one of the most important oil crops in Egypt, as it is well cultivated in light yellow, heavy and sandy lands that are newly reclaimed, the research aims to develop solutions to overcome the problems that hinder the increase in sesame production in Egypt. The results indicated that the average area planted with sesame was estimated at 73.73 thousand feddans during the period (2000-2018), while an average was estimated Production was estimated at 327.40 thousand ardeb, and it was found that the average total costs of the sesame crop were estimated at 2628.54 pounds, and the average total revenue was about 4762.34 pounds, while the average net per feddan revenue was estimated at 2135.76 pounds, and the farm price was estimated at 948.37 pounds, and the average profit of the spent pound was estimated. The produced ton and the ratio of revenue to costs are about 0.81, 481.44 and 1.81 pounds, respectively.
Based on the results, the research recommends the following:
1- Developing highly productive varieties that are compatible with the Egyptian conditions, with the application of modern technology in agricultural operations, with the help of research and extension agencies.
2- Work to increase municipal fertilization and reduce the quantities of chemical fertilizers, as this leads to increased production and reduced costs.
3- Encouraging the establishment of factories concerned with industrialization in the main production areas to encourage farmers to increase their production and supply at reasonable prices.


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