Optimal Crop Composition in the Light of Water Resources Management Policies in Assiut Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-azhar University

2 Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center


This research aims to reach the optimal crop composition for both old (inundation irrigation) and new lands (sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation) using a linear programming model. to maximizing the acre yield, maximizing the return of the perfusion water unit, and minimizing water needs. The results showed that the crop composition in the old lands according to inundation irrigation system we found that the maximizing of net return of the irrigation unit of acre reached 141.98 million pounds over the current composition, also maximizes the net return of the irrigation unit reached 72.96 pounds/ thousand m3, besides reduces the water needs approximately 14.12 million m3. According to the crop installation in the new lands of sprinkler irrigation system, the results of the model recommended to apply a model of maximizing net yield per acre, it is reached 79.98 million pounds over the current installation, maximizing the net return of irrigation unit amounted 49.86 pounds / thousand m3, and lowering the water needs estimated 1.08 million m3. Also, the results showed that the crop installation in the new lands of maximizing the net yield per acre reached 24.29 million pounds over the current installation and maximizing net return of irrigation unit reached 713.76 pounds/ thousand m3.


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