Determinants of Economic Growth in the Egyptian Agricultural Sector

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Aswan University.

2 Lecturer of Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University


The research mainly aimed to estimate the growth rates of agricultural income during the period (2000-2019) and to identify the most important factors affecting it
     The results of the research indicated the economic indicators of the Egyptian agricultural sector, the results indicated that the rate of agricultural investment was about 0.07 as an average during the study period, while the average rate of return on agricultural investment was about 14.79 during the study period, and the average coefficient of capital intensification in the Egyptian agricultural sector was about 2.14 During the study period.
     It was also shown that the effect of both the capital and the technological level on the value of agricultural output decreased in the case of appreciation at real prices. The value of the total elasticity coefficient of the function estimated at current prices was about 1.99, which indicates an increase in the yield to capacity in Egyptian agricultural production, while it reached at real prices about 0.525, which indicates a decrease in the yield to capacity in Egyptian agricultural production.
      The results of the study indicated that the value of the growth rate of real income arising from real investments during the average period (2001-2019) amounted to about 0.3%. Therefore, to increase the growth rate in the agricultural sector by 1%, it is necessary to increase the rate of domestic investment in the agricultural sector by 0.3%.


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