Effect of reducing water requirement and foliar application with some stimulants on vegetative growth of some tomato genotypes grown in heavy clay soil under drip irrigation system

Document Type : Original Article


1 قسم البساتين- کليه الزراعه- جامعه بنها

2 Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha Unviersity, Moshtohor, 13736 Qalyubia, Egypt

3 ستاذ تربية الخضر و البيوتکنولجى کلية الزراعة بمشتهر جامعة بنها


A field experiment was conducted on tomato cultivars (Alia 123 F1, Arwa F1, and Super strain B) grown in heavy clay soil during the two successive seasons of 2020 and 2021 at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Egypt to assess the response to foliar spray with four treatments, i.e., Amino power®, Hummer®, Caly-Bor® and distilled water under three levels of deficit irrigation i.e.100, 80 and 60% of ETo. Obtained results showed that foliar application of each amino acid, humic acid, or calcium + boron significantly improved the vegetative growth parameters of tomato plants, especially with irrigation using 100% of the water requirements. The foliar application of any foliar sprays and irrigated with 80% of the water requirements recorded significantly lower effects than those mentioned above (100% WR). The accumulation of elements (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) in leaves of the two hybrids, Alia 123 and Arwa, increases with a water level of 100% WR and foliar spraying with amino acids. The concentration of proline in leaves increases in leaves with water deficiency decreases from 100% to 60% WR in all the cultivars used in the two seasons.


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