Foliar Spraying with Amino Acids, and Calcium Boron, with/without GA3 on The Vegetative Growth and Productivity of The Valencia Orange Trees

Document Type : Original Article


Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Moshtohor, Toukh 13736, Egypt


This study was done on 20-year-old fruitful Valencia orange trees budded on Volkamer lemon as rootstock, in an orchard with clay loamy soil that received Flood irrigation and was located in the Al-Bustan area, during the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 seasons, in the Egyptian governorate of Buhaira , to determine the effect of foliar spray treatment using amino acids , calcium boron with or without Gibberellic acid "GA3" on the vegetative growth and fruit productivity of Valencia 
orange . The obtained results indicate that the employed treatments have a noticeable activity for enhancing vegetative growth parameters such as shoot length, stem diameter (cm), the average number of leaves/ shoot, and leaf area., relative to untreated, the applied treatments boosted the percentages of fruit set and remaining fruits, as well as limiting fruit dropping and boosting yield per tree and yield per feddan. In general, the combination of foliar spraying with Amino acid at 2g/L + GA3 at 20 ppm followed by Calcium boron at 2g/L + GA3 at 20 ppm was found to be the most successful treatment for the majority of the parameters studied in this study.


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