Rabbit-does Performance as Affected by Different Types of Water Exposed to Magnetic Field

Document Type : Original Article


1 Animal and Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Beni-Suef University.

2 Animal and Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Beni-Suef University

3 Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Agricultural Research center (ARC)


The present study was to determine how different types of water, like well water (WW) and tap water (TW), affected the 
performance of rabbit-does when they were exposed to a magnetic treatment of about 10000 gausses. Forty-eight weaned female V-line rabbits were divided into six groups (8 each). 1st and 2nd groups involved TW whether exposed to magnets or not (TW vs. MTW). The other groups involved the well water using the same method while the 3rd and 4th groups with TDS 4000 ppm (WWA vs. MWWA) and the 5th and 6th groups with TDS 6000 ppm (WWB vs. MWWB). The results indicated that magnetization had a higher impact on WW, whether 4000 or 6000 ppm than on TW. Feed intake significantly (P < 0.001) decreased, while average daily gain, growth rate, and feed conversion ratio significantly (P <0.001) improved. WW reduced (P < 0.001) litter size, litter weight at birth & weaning and milk yield compared to TW. WW reduced (P < 0.001) serum protein profile, liver enzymes, ovarian hormones, and aldosterone hormone but raised serum sodium and chloride. When water was exposed to a magnetic treatment boosted (P < 0.01) litter size, litter weight at birth & weaning and milk yield and enhanced milk conversion ratio and improved levels of liver enzymes, and ovarian hormones compared to unmagnetized water. The use of magnetization, particularly in salt water, reduces the adverse effects of salinity and enhances the quality of the water.
