Response Superior Grape Yield and Quality to Organic and Inorganic Fertilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hort. Dep., Fac. of Agric., Minia Univ., Egypt

2 Organic Agriculture, Agric. Res. Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt


The study was conducted across two consecutive growing seasons (2020/2021 and 2021/2022) on Superior seedless grapevines to assess the effects of organic, mineral, and biofertilization techniques on the yield, and quality of Superior grapevines, as well as specific chemical constituents. The impact of utilizing organic treatments on grape production was 
apparent as it led to an improvement in both quantity and quality. By incorporating compost along with compost tea treatment, the yield of superior seedless grapes was maximized, with notable enhancements in terms of cluster number per vine, cluster weight, yield per vine, and yield per fed. Additionally, this method contributed to enhanced berry quality, as indicated by increased TSS% and TSS/TA ratio, as well as reduced TA% and sugar%. Enhanced yield and quality of Superior seedless grapes were achieved through the application of mineral and/or biofertilization. The combination of Min-NK and bio-P resulted in the highest yield, including improvements in cluster number per vine, cluster weight, yield per vine, and yield per hectare over two growing seasons. Additionally, the treatment involving mineral potassium and 
biological nitrogen and phosphorus demonstrated supreme quality aspects compared to other treatments. The influence of combination between organic and mineral and/or bio fertilization was significant for all studied traits. The best yield and its components were achieved from vines fertilized by (compost + compost tea) and supplied by (Min-NK + bio-P), however, the highest quality was observed with vines treated with (compost + compost tea) and supplied with (Min-K + bio-NP). 


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