Effect of Spraying With Some Materials to Reduce Climate Change on The Productivity and Quality of Garlic Plants

Document Type : Original Article


1 Veg. Res. Dep., Hort. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt.

2 Hort. Dept. Fac. Agric. Zagazig University, Egypt.


At a private farm in the village of Meet Faris, Dekarns, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt, a field experiment was conducted over the course of two consecutive winter seasons in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 to investigate the effects of various materials (brassinolide, proline amino acid and melatonin) applied as a foliar spray under two planting dates (15th September and 15th October) on growth, productivity, and storability of garlic cv. Sids 40 using a drip irrigation system in clay soil.Garlic planting on 15th October and spraying with brassinolide at 5 ppm increased the number of leaves/ plant, total dry weight/plant, total yield/ fed. at harvesting and after curing, bulb diameter, number of cloves/ bulb, average clove weight after curing, N, P and K contents in bulbs at harvesting, whereas the percentage of weight loss in bulbs decreased during storage periods. While, planting on 15th September and spraying with melatonin at 30 ppm increased 
total soluble solids (TSS), dry matter (DM) and pungency after curing as well as reduced weight loss (%) in bulbs after six month from storage periods. 


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