Response of Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa L.) Plants to Some Bio-Stimulants Treatments on Growth, Production and Chemical Components

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Faculty of Agriculture, Beni-Suef University

2 Horticulture department - Faculty of Agriculture- Beni-suef University

3 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Res. Dept., Hort. Res. Inst., ARC, Giza, Egypt.

4 3Department of Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Fac. of Agric., Beni-Suef Univ., Egypt. 62521


A field study was conducted at the experimental farm of Sids (Horticultural Research Station, Beni-Suef Gov.) with the goal of enhancing the growth, productivity, and seed oil yield of black cumin plants through foliar application of algae extract, kinetin, and bio-phosphate. According to the findings, the ideal vegetative traits of plant height , stem diameter and root length, yield components “number of capsules, seeds yield/ plant (g) and per feddan (Kg)”, oil determinations characters (fixed oil %, fixed oil per plant and per fed.), three photosynthetic pigments and percentages of NPK values
obtained as a result of foliar spray of the bio-phosphate at 800 g/l in combination with the high dose of Algae extract (8 ml/l ) or Kinetin (100 mg/l) and no significant discrepancies found between Algae extract (8 ml/l ) and Kinetin (100 mg/l). In order to improve growth, seed yield, and fixed oil components under the same research conditions, it may be advised to spray Nigella sativa L. plants with high concentrations of algae extract (8 ml/l) or kinetin (100 mg/l) in combination with bio-phosphate 800 g/l.


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