Measuring the Farmers' Knowledge about Extension Recommendations of Roomy red Grapevines Crop in Minia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 قسم الإرشاد الزراعى والمجتمع الريفى – کلية الزراعة – جامعة الأزهر بأسيوط

2 Agricultural extension and rural Sociology Department, Al-Azhar university – Assiut Branch


The main objective of this research is to construct a knowledge test to measure the knowledge level of farmers about extension recommendation ofroomy red grape crop. The different steps followed in knowledge test development are as follows: Item collection, Jury opinion, item analysis, Reliability, and Validity.
The primary scale was presented to a group of experts (27 experts) in the field of fruit and plant protection, 10 items were excluded based on expert opinion.
To analyze the initial scale items, three main indicators were used: difficulty index, discrimination index, and internal coefficient. 19 items were excluded from the scale based on the results of the three indicators. The three indicators were applied to a sample of farmers (60 respondents). The final scale of agricultural knowledge relating to red grape practices has been reached and consists of 53 items.
The final scale was used to measure farmers' knowledge of the extension recommendations for roomy red grape in Minia governorate, the scale was applied to a sample of 215 Samlout farmers.
Data were collected by means of personal interview using a questionnaire prepared for this purpose.  Percentages, and rank order correlation coefficients were used for data processing and analysis using Excel and SPSS programs.
                The results of the field research indicate a low degree of knowledge of the respondents to the recommendations of the roomy red grape crop, especially the agricultural processes of fertilization, maturity, hoeing, and agricultural -chemical control. It also indicates a significant correlation between the respondents' knowledge of these recommendations and their independent characteristics.


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