Enhancing Rural Livelihood Through Income-Generating Activities: A Study in Remote Rural Communities in Beni-Suif and El-Minya Governorates

Document Type : Original Article


Rural sociology, Faculty of agriculture, Cairo university


The new rural communities in Egypt face pressing socioeconomic, political and environmental challenges. These 
challenges drove the urgent need to give more attention to the agricultural sector via its modernization, coupled with 
sustainable use of natural resources. Yet, the development of the non-farm sector offers an alternative option to rural people who are not employed in agriculture. Therefore, the current study explores the effect of farm as well as non-farm incomegenerating activities (IGAs) on rural livelihood in four remote rural communities in Beni-suif and El-Minya governorates in Egypt grapple with poverty and limited opportunities threatening their livelihoods. Using a pre-tested structured questionnaire, the study data have been collected randomly in October and November 2022 from 300 households (classified into 185 farm and 115 non-farm respondents or 234 males and 66 females) who participated in IGAs. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson chi-square, Paired-sample t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Multiple regression analysis in order to achieve the study objectives. The findings revealed that both farm and non-farm income generation activities significantly improve respondents' quality of livelihood across human, social, economic, natural, and physical capitals. The findings also indicated that non-farm activities have a more positive effect on respondents' quality of livelihood compared to farm income-generating activities. 


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