Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in Egypt: The Impact of Scaling up The Use of Modern Agricultural Techniques on Main Crops

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt


The rising global crises have underscored the critical role of food security, especially in developing nations, prompting a 
reevaluation of agricultural strategies by various governments. This pivotal shift highlights agriculture as not only a means to meet immediate food requirements but also a vital element for sustainable growth. By enhancing agricultural productivity, nations are striving to stabilize and expand their economies through adequate domestic food production, bolstered exports, and a steady supply of raw materials for industry. The case of Egyptian agriculture is a prime example of this strategy in action. Here, the upscaling of advanced agricultural technologies is considered crucial for improving food security outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the impact of upscaling modern and improved agricultural technologies on the Egyptian agricultural sector using a CGE model that is based on the latest comprehensive SAM database for the base year 2019.The results indicate that the adoption of new agricultural technologies could 
significantly enhance production, GDP, exports, and household income while simultaneously cutting down on imports and CPI. This analysis points to a potent economic and social yield, highlighting the imperative for policymakers to dismantle institutional hurdles and widely implement these innovations in the agricultural sector. The decision-makers must disseminate these technologies so that they reach farms at the lowest cost to countries and ensure that farms adopt these technologies through large-scale extension programs via radio, television, and other programs in a way that makes clear to the farmer the expected increase in production and thus income. 


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